Distribution Management

CAMS Distribution Management System (DMS)

Maximizing distribution center performance means more than automating pick, pack and ship. It requires optimizing and interweaving all distribution functions to eliminate tasks and improve productivity. It also requires extending optimization beyond traditional warehousing functions to provide a complete solution for all distribution needs. It requires ability to ensure shipment accuracy and confirmation of that process.

CAMS DMS solutions, anchored by CAMS WMS–the industry-leading warehouse management system, drives maximum productivity, cost savings and throughput with the industry’s most comprehensive task interleaving and optimization functionality. This task optimization is integral to all distribution processing, creating a unique approach that drives the greatest savings, from raw materials, work-in-process management and finished goods processing. Thus, real value and competitive advantage are created not just by automating work, but by optimizing every step of the distribution process.

Radio Frequency Technology allows the system to direct operators in a paperless real time environment so that urgent tasks are automatically prioritized and all work is carried out in the most efficient sequence. CAMS DMS also supports paper based operations, or a combination of paper and RF-technology.

  • Compatible with Wireless Mobile Hand Held and Lift Truck Computers for Paperless Operation
  • Freight Rating
  • Roll/Pallet/Package Tracking
  • Express Carrier Rates and Forms
  • Integrated EDI Solutions
  • Multiple Picking Scenarios